Java in 60 Minutes A Day
R. F. Raposa
* Mostra aos leitores como usar Java para aproveitar o poder da programação orientada para objetos
* Inclui trinta horas de aulas que recria uma semana típica em um longo seminário introdutório
* Enfoca o Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
* Auxilia os leitores a desenvolver habilidades que são críticas a muitos serviços no cenário Web.
* O autor foi um dos primeiros Certified Instrutores e desde então tem ensinado a milhares de desenvolvedores Java
* Companion Web site apresenta uma apresentação on-line pelo autor que se segue, juntamente com cada capítulo, e inclui um áudio-única opção para os leitores com conexão à Internet dial-up
* Shows readers how to use Java to harness the power of object-oriented programming
* Includes thirty one-hour lessons that recreate a typical week-long introductory seminar
* Focuses on the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
* Helps readers to develop skills that are critical to many Web services scenarios
* The author was one of the first Sun Certified Instructors and has since taught Java to thousands of developers
* Companion Web site features an online presentation by the author that follows along with each chapter and includes an audio-only option for readers with dial-up Internet connection
About the Author.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Java.
Chapter 2: Java Fundamentals.
Chapter 3: Control Structures.
Chapter 4: Classes and Objects.
Chapter 5: Methods.
Chapter 6: Understanding Inheritance.
Chapter 7: Advanced Java Language Concepts.
Chapter 8: Polymorphism and Abstraction.
Chapter 9: Collections.
Chapter 10: Interfaces.
Chapter 11: Exception Handling.
Chapter 12: An Introduction to GUI Programming.
Chapter 13: GUI Components and Event Handling.
Chapter 14: Applets.
Chapter 15: Threads.
Chapter 16: Input and Output.
Chapter 17: Network Programming.
Chapter 18: Database Programming.
Chapter 19: JavaBeans.
Appendix: About the 60 Minutes Web Site.
Index. |
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